This conformant component accepts raw PCM audio, and outputs this data
using platform-specific audio output devices. Control of these
platform-specific devices is outside the scope of IL. By default, when
connected to a clock component, it will act as a clock reference. The
time scale of the clock is respected, and when not normal speed no audio
will be played and no reference times will be advertised to the clock.
Port | Index | Notes
100 | OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition
| Supports setting the port to PCM or DDP data.
| Supports setting the port format to PCM unencoded audio, or DDP
encoded data.
| nChannels must be 1, 2, 4, or 8. 5.1 audio can be carried
inside 8 channels, with the last two channels advertise as blank.
eNumData must be OMX_NumericalDataSigned.
eEndian must be OMX_EndianLittle.
bInterleaved must be OMX_TRUE.
nBitPerSample must be 16 or 32.
nSamplingRate must be greater than or equal to 8000 but
less than or equal to 96000.
ePCMMode must be OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeLinear.
| Query / set the DDP format of this port.
nSamplingRate must be 32000, 44100 or 48000.
| Query / set the DTS format of this port.
| Query / set the volume control. This currently controls the software
volume that occurs prior to mixing in the platform audio output.
| Query / set the mute status of the audio output.
| Query / set the audio platform-specific destination for audio output.
| Query the current audio rendering delay in samples.
| Query / set the filter values used when tracking audio rendering latency
by changing the clock speed.
101 | OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition
| Supports connecting to a port on a clock component.
| Supports setting the port format to time format.
| Sets custom presentation offset, used to adjust the audio video sync
| OMX_IndexConfigBrcmClockReferenceSource
| Query / set whether (when connected to a clock component) this component
acts as a clock master (default behaviour) or as a clock slave scheduling
the presentation of audio packets based on the media time reference.
| Query / set the audio platform-specific mute status of the audio output.