The conformant audio_processor component accepts raw PCM audio from
the input port, passes it through an audio effect or an equalization
stage and forwards it to the output port.
Port | Index | Notes
300 301 | OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition
| Query / set the port parameters for the audio input/output streams.
The audio format must not be encoded. code{nBufferSize} must be a multiple
of 32 and and equal to or larger than 1024. nBufferAlignment must be
equal to or larger than 32.
| Query / set the port PCM format (read-only for the output port).
nChannels must be 1, 2, 4, or 8. 5.1 audio can be carried
inside 8 channels, with the last two channels advertise as blank.
eNumData must be OMX_NumericalDataSigned.
eEndian must be OMX_EndianLittle.
bInterleaved must be OMX_TRUE.
nBitPerSample must be 16 or 32.
nSamplingRate must be less or equal to 96000.
ePCMMode must be OMX_AUDIO_PCMModeLinear.
| Query / set audio port format used on this port. These ports
support PCM only.
301 | OMX_IndexConfigAudioEqualizer
| Query / set audio equalizer properties or enable / disable
equalizer effect.
| Query / set audio processing plugin properties or enable / disable
the plugin.